How we,
Do Things...

BluNOVA manages one of the richest and fastest-growing data sets in South Africa
Since its birth in 2001, Blue Label Telecoms has significantly expanded its variety of products and services including prepaid airtime and utilities (electricity and water) as well as ticketing, loyalty programmes, bill payments, debit and credit card acquiring and money transfers. The company’s distribution power is unmatched and now represents a marketplace community of some 150 000 outlets, 80% of which are located in small towns and township shopping centres.
In addition to this, BLT’s 46% share of Cell C affords it access to one of the biggest Telco databases on SA. These in turn amount to some 4 million transactions per day (5bn per annum) with some 55million unique customers.

We mine and refine this data for rich and actionable insights into the South African consumer

BluCORE provides identity resolution and right party contact. It tells you who your customer is and, based on their usage behaviour, the relationships they have with other individuals.

BluAIR enables us to segment customers into macro personas according to their affordability, product usage and payment risk. This enables us to personalise at scale - to upsell and cross sell based on our understanding of the segment.

BluFUSION provides a second layer of insight by telling you all about your customer's spend and payment habits.

BluSWITCH is a super-aggregator of insights. With Telcos, for example, it can consolidate everything we know about how consumers engage with a category and how services are fulfilled by providers. This empowers us to deliver the right Telco product to the right consumer at the right time.

BluVISTA brings together all the data available to BluNova and provides a visual interface to explore the behaviour of South African consumers to identify their needs and new product opportunities.

BluPOINT is a bespoke credit scorecard that merges internal BLT data with credit bureau data. This is a significant breakthrough because neither of those two sources on their own would be sharp enough or up-to-date enough to make accurate risk and credit decisions about financially excluded customers.
We use machine learning and state of the art decisioning software to build automated decision services in the cloud

BluHORIZON is BluNova’s decision engine. It works to assimilate and automate diverse insights to enable real-time, data-led, decision making.
BluHORIZON is powered through our partnership with global decisioning leader FICO whose decision software (DMP) is like an "always-on" brain that not only automates decision making in real-time but which gets progressively more intelligent customer by customer, transaction by transaction.